TSKgel GMPWXL is a mixed bed scouting column for water-soluble linear polymers. The pore volume can be accessed by polymers ranging in molecular weight from 500 to 8 x 10^6 Da.

Mixed bed columns contain a mixture of different pore sizes that have an extended linear calibration range, suitable for samples with a broad molar mass distribution as well as unknown samples. By quickly categorizing the molecular weight profile of an unknown sample, the column enables a fast selection of the best TSKgel PWXL column for routine analysis.

The TSKgel GMPWXL column has a base material of hydroxylated polymethacrylate, can be used in a maximum of 20% organic, and is shipped in water.

Calibration Curves of TSKgel PWXL Columns


Columns:         TSKgel PWXL columns, all 7.8 mm ID x 30 cm
                         A: G2500PWXL, B: G3000PWXL
                         C: G4000PWXL, D: G5000PWXL
                         E: G6000PWXL, F: GMPWXL
Mobile phase: distilled H2O
Flow rate:       1.0. mL/min
Detection:       RI


Analysis of pullulan

Columns:        TSKgel GMPWXL, 13 µm, all 7.8 mm ID x 30 cm x 4
Mobile phase: 0.1 mol/L sodium chloride
Flow rate:       1.0. mL/min
Detection:       RI
Inject.Vol.:     500 µL
Samples:        1 . pullulan P400
                        2. pullulan P200
                        3. pullulan P100
                        4. pullulan P50


Ordering Information

P/N Description Dimension
0008025 TSKgel GMPWXL 7.8 mm ID x 30 cm L
0008033 TSKgel PWXL Guardcolumn 6.0 mm ID x 4.0 cm L
0008035 TSKgel PWXL Top-Off 7.5 mm ID x 7.5 cm L